chantana chantrapornchai
chantana chantrapornchai

My name is Chantana (จันทนา). I obtained the Bachelor degree from Thammasat University of Thailand in 1991. My major was Computer Science. In December 1992, I got a scholarship from the Royal Thai Government to study aboard to pursue her Master degree and Ph.D degree. I graduated from Northeastern University at Boston, College of Computer Science, in 1993 and University of Notre Dame, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, in 1999, for my Master and Ph.D degrees respectively. My research supervisor was Prof. Dr. Edwin Sha who is currently affiliated with University of Texas at Dallas. She was an associated professor of Dept. of Computing, Faculty of Science, Silpakorn University, Thailand. Currently, I am an associated professor of Dept. of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kasetsart University, Thailand. I am with of High Performance Computing and Networking Center (HPCNC) , Thailand.

I have done many things in both researches and practices the areas of deep learning, embedded real-time systems, wireless applications, parallel computing systems, big data and ontology processing and fuzzy logic.

My current curriculum vitae can be obtained here.

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My youtube channel : Teaching and hobbies

chantana chantrapornchai

chantana chantrapornchai

I love many things about computer system such as system setup, big data & cloud tools, deep learning training, programming in many languages.